mistakes we all do as teenagers that we are most likely to regret in the near future.

1. Care too much about what  others think about us. 

       As teenagers, it's pretty normal to have a number  of insecurities ranging from the shape of our nose to the thickness of our hair  and so on. Now I'm not saying that EVERY teen is insecure about their physical appearance, it may also be their personality or their sense of humour. But the truth is, no one really cares. By constantly trying to be perfect and by being overly self-conscious about what others might or might not say or think will give you nothing but misery.

2. Not really care about school. 

       Constantly  criticizing about our education system and not paying attention in class are   personal favourite hobbies  of mine but now after so many years I've realised that school is not so useless after all. Not paying attention in class may seem fun and/or "cool" but teachers(especially in my school) are very experienced and wise. Besides  explanaining our lessons, they impart wisdom on us  too! Moreover some of the teachers  tell us stories and give us extra-knowledge which may seem useless now but will surely play a vital role in our lives  in the long run. 

3. Disobey our parents and prioritise friends over them. 

Friends are the fuel to survive  our adolescent years but remember that parents are the ones who will sit by your bed and be awake the whole night if you're sick. When you were young, they were  the ones who fed you, bathed you, loved you unconditionally. In fact, they still love you but it's not necessary for them to always show it. Yes, they do scold you but only if you do something wrong or something that is against their wishes. For eg: If your mom hides your phone, always remember it is for your good, not theirs. They don't get satisfaction in scolding you, they do so to correct you.  They may be wrong too but most of the time, their intentions are never wrong. 

4. Spend too much time in our phones or social media. 

       Let's be honest readers,  almost all of us are guilty of this. Inorder to keep ourselves sane, we needed some interaction with our friends  during quarantine. But, we should limit the number of hours we use our phones. They're not only harmful but also ridiculously waste our time. I'm not only talking about the usual instagram, youtube, etc,etc but also those Netflix shows we love to binge watch. Binge watching isn't exactly  bad thing, it surely  gives us an enormous amount of happiness,  but how long does that happiness Last? The knowledge gained in your teens is permanant but these likes, shares and followers are  temporary. As Anne Frank once said- "Being lazy is fun but work gives you satisfaction" 

5. Try to "fit in" by being someone else. 

This is actually a very cliche thing for me to say but seriously though BE YOURSELF. You attain  temporary happiness by hanging out  with the "popular group" or the "divas". You're only a teenager once, so go ahead and make friends and be with people who make you laugh till your insides hurt and give you constant support and love. Trust me, you do not want to suddenly  be in your 20s and regret your whole teenage life. 

                                                      - Preyasha

Lastly, I would like to conclude my blog by first of all thanking you for reading this far:) Anyways,  have an amazing day or night ahead! 

❤️❤️Remember, you are beautiful and amazing and unique in your own special way  and absolutely NO  ONE  can change that about you. ❤️❤️ 


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